Master Mason Rookie Award

The Massachusetts Grand Lodge of Masons is pleased to continue growing our “Master Mason Rookie Award” as part of this jurisdiction’s ongoing commitment to membership engagement and getting our new members involved in their respective blue lodges.

1. Attend each of the blue lodge degrees at least once (not including your own degrees)
2. Attend at least one visit of the lodge’s D.D.G.M. to another lodge in the District, or attend a communication of
another lodge in the District
3. Attend at least seven stated lodge communications over the course of the one year
4. Work on at least one lodge social activity OR lodge charitable event
5. Assist at least once with the officers setting up the lodge room (a meeting or rehearsal)
6. Attend at least three additional LOI communications beyond what is required

Alternates: (Choose five of the following ten)
1. Sponsor at least one candidate into the lodge
2. Assist at least once with the preparation of candidate(s) before the degree, OR assist in a cipher
training for another candidate
3. Attend the Feast of Saint John
4. Attend a District Exemplification
5. Attend a Grand Lodge sponsored educational program
6. Attend a Masonic Memorial Service
7. Assist in organizing and running of an Open House or Membership event
8. Assist in organizing and running a MYCHIP event, or a Blood drive
9. Attend a DeMolay or Rainbow meeting, event, or Installation
10. Take a sanctioned tour of the Grand Lodge Building in Boston

There are eleven items that need to be fulfilled for the Master Mason Rookie Award.

The future of our fraternity and our ability to continue to grow our membership is highly dependent on being able to engage and integrate our new members into the activities of the lodge.

When new members become involved and active in their respective lodges they become the best prospects for new candidates for that lodge. The Master Mason Rookie Award is an official means by which we can achieve these membership goals.

Attached is a checklist for the Master Mason Rookie Award. Once it has been completed and signed off by the Master of the lodge and Ambassador, it is to be submitted by the Lodge Secretary to the Grand Master’s Office for his review and approval. Once approved, the recipient can receive his award (Grand Lodge Certificate signed by the Grand Master and affixed with the Grand Lodge seal and Master Mason Rookie Award lapel pin) at the next visit of the District Deputy Grand Master.

To Download the Current Master Mason Rookie Award Information visit: